Didac Garcia Rueda     12/10/2018 11:10:35




sex : male

Occupation : Student at Lyce Comte de Foix      

Interested in : cats, rap, HardCore Rock, video games...                                                                     

Birthday : 4th March                                  

Hometown : Andorra la vella


Hi ! I' m Didac. I' m 15.

I like listening to music. I love HardCore rock music. My favorite band is : angerfist*

I have two cats called Campaneta and Pelusa.              Imagen relacionada

My favorite Sport is kraf Maga and Kapoira. Resultado de imagen de krav maga

I don' t like  SCHOOL!!!

I like doing parkour with my friends

My best friend is Alex. He is 15. He loves : video games, rap, kyokushinkai. He doesn' t like  SCHOOL!!!